As part of our carbon offset we have a special limited edition hoodie to help us set up bee hives! Save the bees!

Bees, Bees and more Bees

As a start to our ever expanding universe of madness, we knew we needed to start as small as we could go for our environmental strategy.

We sat down and poured over hundreds of options of eco-organisations that produce automatic tree planting, 3rd world community projects and many other schemes and suspicious activities through third parties that we just couldn't wrap our noggins around. In the end, we came to the electrifying conclusion that we could just do it ourselves, and as the hard-working maniacs that we are, that's what we're going to do. So, as it's just us, we need to start small. What can we do that is small...? Ah, yes... BEES.

They look after themselves (mostly) and as we continue expanding Fitti.World as a brand, we can look to buy the bees our very own meadow and even start expanding into orchards. But so what? Who actually cares that a bunch of skater dudes flogging clothes are looking at doing this?! Well, check out these stats we robbed from a bee website. 


These stats signify a NEED for BEES if you get our Tokyo Drift. If we plant a bunch of crops and fruit trees on our Southwest farmland, get them pollinated by the Bees, grow some topnotch crops, churn up some organic apple cider and beeswax for use on surf/skateboards. Viola, our own ecosystem and even more products to flog.

More purchases means more funds going into our carbon offset projects, which means we can start looking further afield. We already have our eyes on our distant cousin Orangutans. As we say, start small and aim big, so eventually our ginger friends will begin to reap the benefits of our commitments.

Check out or blog for more updates in the future to see how our hives are coming along, once we have hives purchased. Very exciting times ahead.

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